Remembered Remedies Community Project

This spring join Chelsea Physic Garden and acclaimed writer and storyteller, Sally Pomme Clayton, for a community story sharing project titled ‘Remembered Remedies’.

Chelsea Physic Garden is home to over 4,000 medicinal plants – plants that are used in medicines and healing remedies. Remedies are medicines or treatments that cure or relieve us from pain or illness.

On Tuesdays for eight weeks (21 March – 16 May) participants will explore the Garden, walking and discovering plants, sharing stories and memories, recipes and remedies. Taking inspiration from the Garden’s 4,000 plants, 350 year history and fascinating archive of books and seeds, we will go on a journey through the seasons.

Led by pioneering writer/storyteller Sally Pomme Clayton these sessions are nourishing and creative, enabling and positive, promoting a sense of wellbeing in a safe and peaceful place.

Do I have to pay to participate?

No, this is a free community project. Made possible by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

What will happen in the workshops?

Workshops will link us to nature as we explore Chelsea Physic Garden, learning about plants from around the world, sharing and making new stories and memories, recipes and remedies. We will discover some of the folklore and history of plants, creating spells, plant labels, stories, and imagined journeys. We will also delve into the Garden’s collection of historic books, journals and paintings to inspire the creation of our own new stories.

At the end of the project, participants will be given one  year free membership to the Garden, meaning they will be able to continue to enjoy the Garden for another year.

Who can join this project?

Anyone can join this project. We are looking for 10 – 12 participants, aged 18+, who can attend weekly workshops at the Garden from Tuesday 21 March 2023, 10:30am – 12:30pm (see course dates below). Expenses for travel can be reimbursed.

These workshops would be especially suited to anyone looking to develop skills in English in a friendly environment, or seeking to connect with people and nature.

When are the sessions?

Sessions will be on at 10:30am – 12:30pm on: Tuesday 21 March,  28 March, 4 April, 18 April, 25 April,  2 May, 9 May, &  16 May.

There will also be a final celebration to share the work and the Garden with friends and families on Tuesday 23 May in the early evening.

How can I join? 

If you, or a group that you work with, are interested please email Katy: or click the button below to apply

Due to a large amount of interest we will close applications early on Friday10 March 2023 (not everyone who applies will get a place as places are limited)

Apply Here

‘This project exceeded my expectations. I has been a wonderful journey, to be present in the garden as it changes each week through spring, and to share stories with my colleagues from all over the world. I have learned so much from their deep knowledge.’

– Remembered Remedies participant 2022

Find out more about Remembered Remedies 2022

In 2022 Chelsea Physic Garden hosted ‘Remembered Rememdies’ a community sharing project with storyteller and author, Sally Pomme Clayton. From spring to early summer 10 participates came the Garden to share their knowledge and stories of plants.

Find out more